Online: 2008-09-29 (5 D)
Monitored: 5 Days
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BLOS Finance Inc. Program Description
BLOS Finance Inc. is a private investment club operated by a group of investment specialists, focusing primarily on bonds, forex, equities, stocks, and other securities. Incorporated in Panama, BLOS Finance Inc. is independently managed by our dedicated group of professionals with substantial experience in the financial sectors. We use various investment strategies and always diversify our investments. Diversification in investment is the most important element which minimizes the risks and generates more profits.
Our mission is to help our investors to gain a stable rate in return and maintain stable income with our knowledge, expertise and experience. The funds from our investors are traded on various markets. Besides, a portion is used to build a reserved insurance fund to protect our members' funds and prevent any losses occur. With years of good and bad experience in online investments projects, we are deeply concerned about doing a honest business which will benefit our investors in the first place, because we are strongly awared that in this field there is much promises and little results, and only those who sincerely put their investors' interests as main purpose can build up a strong and long lasting business and community. This is how and why BLOS Finance Inc. comes into existence.
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