Online: 2017-10-14 (2707 D)
Monitored: 2701 Days
Last Paid: 2662 days ago Program Description is a Project fully focused on building huge cryptocurrency mines in multiple datacenters located within Europe and Asia. We believe that pool mining is a future of this business therefore we offer you an opportunity to invest in our Project and make money passively. Unlike all the Programs selling a particular mining power and asking you to wait between 12 and 24 months for the return of your in initial investment we allow you to get a fair cut in our profits since the Day 1. The more funds we have in total - the more mining power, the lower costs per mining unit and the higher overall profit. It's all about the scale of our activity and associated investment. We've created a win-win business environment for you. Our main area of focus is Bitcoin mining however we also work with Ethereum, Litecoin, DashCoin and Monero because we believe that diversification is something essential in this business. We are genuine cryptocurrency mining Pros.
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