Online: 2010-07-27 (23 D)
Monitored: 23 Days
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Forex Trade Alliance Program Description
Forex is international inrebank market. Operations are carryed out via system of institutions: central banks, commercial banks, investment banks, brokers and dealing centers, retirement fund, ensurance companies, transnational companies, etc. Volume of one contract with real currency delivery at the second working day (spot market) is usually cost approximately 5 millions US dollars or its equivalent. Value of one conversion payment is from 60 till 300 US dollars. Moreover it has to spend more than 6 thousands of US dollars per month for interbank informational trading terminal. Because of such conditions convertion of small amounts. For convertion of small amounts it is better to turn to financial intermediary( bank or exchange broker), which convert for certain per cent of the amount of deal. Intermediary not always have to convert via Forex market if they have many clients and differently directed orders. But they always get commissions from their clients. For the fact that not all the clients' orders get to the Forex, intermediaries can offer lower commisions to their clients that value of direct operations on Forex. At the same time if intermediaries will be eliminated, conversion cost for the client will increase.
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