Online: 2010-03-22 (52 D)
Monitored: 50 Days
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Forge of Income Program Description
Investing Basics
A poor differs from a rich because the first is not able to maintain earnings. This is a key point in understanding why some people are poor and others are rich. Our goal is to help you multiply your money.
Poor care about "how to make money" or "where to get them". A rich person is looking for "where to tie up" or invest. And the difference is not in the presence or absence of capital, but in the basic assumption - poor people tend to earn more, believing that it is the big money which will allow them to become rich. Rich people think how to make money work for them and bring in additional income.
Wealth - is the result not of great earnings but of skilful invested capital. In order to make the first step to wealth, you need just to understand that it is impossible to spend the income to the last cent. Except for the retaining of the income stake in the form of "capital", it is necessary to make this capital work for you, i.e. multiply. The easiest way to reach this is to invest. And here you can either rely on a specialist in asset and capital management, or do everything by yourself. But you must understand that only systematic and conscious investing activity for a long period of time can pay off. According to this, if you do not have the time and knowledge for an independent asset management, then it is better to entrust professionals.
Invested money is distributed evenly amongst our traders. Through this diversification, loss risks tend to zero. In addition, each trader uses cautious money management. In this case, the risk of transaction, or more precisely - the total exposure of lots - does not exceed 3%. Even if one or two traders suffer losses, all is offset by other traders.
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