Online: 2010-02-08 (59 D)
Monitored: 57 Days
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Hot Rod Funds Program Description
We are pleased to offer exceptional interest earnings for the long-term investor.
Hot Rod Funds was formed by a group of individuals who were prompted to find a way of making a HYIP program sustainable and profitable for the long term. After taking part in many of the HYIPs over the last few years and observing their weaknesses and failure, we structured a program that does not rely on new investor funds for sustainability (as have so many of the so-called HYIPs, offering unrealistic and unsustainably high interest rates. These are in fact no more than mere Ponzi schemes, relying on new investor funds to pay existing members).
We manage multiple streams of income that return to us more than is required to pay the interest due to our investors. These include Forex, stocks, bonds, equities, utilities, advertising, real estate and others. We maintain liquidity sufficient to be able to meet investor payments at all times.
The interest rates offered by Hot Rod Funds are substantially in excess of what the average person can earn, using traditional forms of investment.
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