  • Project Details (Scams group)

Our Investment: $240
Minimal Spend: $10
Referral: 10%
Online: 2018-02-04 (2592 D)
Monitored: 2573 Days
Last Paid: 2458 days ago
349%Payout: 349%
Our Rating:
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PerfectMoney BitCoin AdvCash Payeer Payza DDOSProtect SSL LicensedScript
Investment Plans: 3.5% daily for 40 Business Days, 112% after 15 Calendar Days

KBKappers Program Description

KBKappers About us

KBkappers is a dynamically developing private investment fund offering trust management services in the sports betting market. Our team consists of the industry’s experts who consider sports betting not just a hobby based on pure excitement and luck, but a profession they obtained after thorough training and skills improvement.

Dealing with sports betting for years, we have collected the widest range of bet-related information available in books and publications. This allowed us to develop our own strategies to minimise risks – through planning and hedging our be

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Vietnam [email protected] Jun 18, 2018 07:37

Pending my payment! I'll update if i get paid!

United Kingdom [email protected] Jun 09, 2018 12:39

so good,received payment,thanks.

China [email protected] Jun 09, 2018 12:27

Transaction ID f69abcfc-f22c-466a-bcc0-f7c6dab28f92 Date time Transfer type Status 09.06.2018 20:01 Internal system transfer Completed From [email protected] Amount Commission +11.20 USD 0.00 USD Note Invoice #12550, height

Singapore [email protected] Jun 09, 2018 10:05

Date:2018/06/09 10:59 Batch:217483208 From Account:U16966556 Amount:11.20 Memo:API Payment. Invoice 12536 daisy. Thanks admin!

Hong Kong [email protected] Jun 09, 2018 09:28

On your wallet U1345998 PerfectMoney withdrawn 11.2 USD (batch: 217479999)

China [email protected] Jun 09, 2018 08:22

Batch-number: 217474913 Memo: Invoice #12517, Vivian Modified: today 08:17

China [email protected] Jun 09, 2018 08:22

Amount: 11.20 USD Batch-number: 217474852 Memo: Invoice #12516, groover Modified: today 08:16

China [email protected] May 29, 2018 08:52

Memo: API Payment. Invoice 9414, likeme.. Date: 09:47 29.05.18. Batch: 216105743.

Hong Kong [email protected] May 24, 2018 00:28

paid me instantly,thanks admin.

USA [email protected] May 23, 2018 09:20

paid me,very nice,Batch-number: 215546221

China [email protected] May 23, 2018 08:36

Batch-number: 215541965 Memo: Invoice #8119, Valentine Modified: today 08:32

China [email protected] May 23, 2018 07:54

Amount: 11.20 USD Batch-number: 576614789 Memo: Invoice #8113, tarang Modified: today 07:49

China [email protected] May 23, 2018 07:48

It looks that will be one of the best programs in the near future. I was paid once and reinvested my profit.

China [email protected] May 23, 2018 07:46

State: Complete Date: today 07:39 Payment system: PerfectMoney Amount: 11.20 USD Payee account: U15014393 Batch-number: 215537347 Memo: Invoice #8106, sluice Modified: today 07:39

Vietnam [email protected] May 14, 2018 09:58

Received Payment 0.35 USD from account U16966556. Batch: 214645387. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 6442, sugus.

United Kingdom [email protected] May 13, 2018 13:10

paid me instantly,thanks admin.

Hong Kong [email protected] May 11, 2018 09:18

The amount of 3.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16966556->U1291619. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 6194, yring.. Date: 10:09 11.05.18. Batch: 214371905.

China [email protected] May 08, 2018 08:50

The amount of 11.2 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16966556->U26**7. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 5592, ya**.. Date: 09:44 08.05.18. Batch: 214068356.

China [email protected] May 08, 2018 07:30

It looks that will be one of the best programs in the near future. I was paid once and reinvested my profit.

China [email protected] May 08, 2018 07:29

State: Complete Date: today 07:25 Payment system: AdvancedCashUSD Amount: 11.20 USD Payee account: [email protected] Batch-number: 81816836-db62-40e3-8946-a34a2e26373b Memo: Invoice #5562, deepth Modified: today 07:25

Hong Kong [email protected] May 08, 2018 07:25

Amount: 11.20 USD Batch-number: b9d63749-ffe0-4e76-b7fd-c39bb4351013 Memo: Invoice #5557, nondos Modified: today 07:20

Sweden [email protected] May 08, 2018 07:20

Batch-number: 214060013 Memo: Invoice #5553, Dennis Modified: today 07:16

United Kingdom [email protected] Apr 28, 2018 08:39

paid me instantly,thanks admin.

Hong Kong [email protected] Apr 25, 2018 09:32

State: Complete Date: today 09:21 Payment system: PerfectMoney Amount: 1.75 USD Payee account: U1291619 Batch-number: 212523157 Memo: Invoice #3837, yring Modified: today 09:21

Hong Kong [email protected] Apr 24, 2018 08:45

Hello, yring! On your wallet U1291619 PerfectMoney withdrawn 1.75 USD (batch: 212413783)

USA [email protected] Apr 23, 2018 07:36

The amount of 11.2 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16966556->U6301298. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 3456, wishdm.. Date: 08:21 23.04.18. Batch: 212310393.

China [email protected] Apr 23, 2018 07:19

State: Complete Date: today 07:15 Payment system: PerfectMoney Amount: 11.20 USD Payee account: U1638924 Batch-number: 212309923 Memo: Invoice #3445, safebet Modified: today 07:15

China [email protected] Apr 23, 2018 07:08

Amount: 11.20 USD Payee account: U31 Batch-number: 212308999 Memo: Invoice #3437, jascule Modified: today 07:01

Vietnam [email protected] Apr 23, 2018 07:02

Received Payment 0.7 USD from account U16966556. Batch: 212308595. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 3430, sugus.

China [email protected] Apr 23, 2018 06:52

Payment correctly received like always. Thanks for the good service admin.

China [email protected] Apr 23, 2018 06:51

Batch-number: 212308170 Memo: Invoice #3422, Webster Modified: today 06:47

USA [email protected] Apr 19, 2018 12:29

The amount of 0.7 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16966556->U57*****. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 3041, annie.. Date: 09:01 19.04.18. Batch: 211979232.

USA [email protected] Apr 19, 2018 08:08

The amount of 1.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16966556->U33***. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 3042, den98.. Date: 09:03 19.04.18. Batch: 211979383.

Hong Kong [email protected] Apr 19, 2018 07:41

paid me instantly,thanks admin.

China [email protected] Apr 18, 2018 05:27

Payment correctly received like always. Thanks for the good service admin.

China [email protected] Apr 13, 2018 03:28

Amount: 22.40 USD Batch-number: b7a2b8fc-c574-4a83-a8f1-b1fcf8572474 Memo: Invoice #2359, drugger Modified: today 03:23

China [email protected] Apr 13, 2018 03:05

Always got paid from [b]U1696655[/b] by schedule : Date:2018/04/13 03:59 Batch:211428540 From Account:U16966556 Amount:22.40 Memo:API Payment. Invoice 2352 proj***. Thanks admin!

Hong Kong [email protected] Apr 13, 2018 03:04

Batch-number: 211428581 Memo: Invoice #2355, Wayne Modified: today 03:01

Hong Kong [email protected] Apr 11, 2018 18:27

The amount of 1.75 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16966556->U1291619. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 2199, yring.. Date: 19:20 11.04.18. Batch: 211303936.

China [email protected] Apr 11, 2018 12:18

Paying instatly! thanks

China [email protected] Apr 11, 2018 04:43

All payments are instant,thanks admin.

China [email protected] Apr 11, 2018 03:57

Amount: 0.35 USD Payee account: U38 Batch-number: 211229957 Memo: Invoice #2111, hymenic Modified: today 03:54

China [email protected] Apr 11, 2018 01:12

All payments are processed as usual.This is a very good online investment project.

USA [email protected] Apr 11, 2018 00:52

Batch-number: 211222783 Memo: Invoice #2099, Walker Modified: today 00:49

China [email protected] Apr 06, 2018 04:56

State: Complete Date: today 04:53 Payment system: PerfectMoney Amount: 0.35 USD Payee account: U2750066 Batch-number: 210800955 Memo: Invoice #1690, Phoebe Modified: today 04:53

United Kingdom [email protected] Apr 05, 2018 14:00

Always paid instantly,thanks,so good item.

China [email protected] Apr 05, 2018 08:50

The amount of 3.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16966556->U1291619. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 1628, yring.. Date: 09:11 05.04.18. Batch: 210719334.

China [email protected] Apr 05, 2018 07:33

Amount: 0.70 USD Payee account: Batch-number: 3642b851-8320-4acd-9e1b-046f00fb1d86 Memo: Invoice #1624, maurie Modified: today 07:28

France [email protected] Apr 05, 2018 07:07

Batch-number: 210713433 Memo: Invoice #1618, lucker168 Modified: today 07:04

China [email protected] Mar 24, 2018 09:38

I gave my trust and faith in you admin please keep going your great job,Thanks.

Hong Kong [email protected] Mar 24, 2018 07:53

Amount: 22.40 USD Payee account: U3 Batch-number: 209301945 Memo: Invoice #968, dechan Modified: today 07:50

China [email protected] Mar 24, 2018 07:48

The amount of 22.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U16966556->U1059662. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 967, design.. Date: 07:37 24.03.18. Batch: 209301110.

Sweden [email protected] Mar 24, 2018 07:32

Batch-number: 209300511 Memo: Invoice #962, Warner Modified: today 07:28

Estonia [email protected] Feb 28, 2018 07:25

Paying instatly! thank you, admin

Estonia [email protected] Feb 27, 2018 13:41

Paying! Instant!

Vietnam [email protected] Feb 27, 2018 07:48

Received Payment 0.7 USD from account U16966556. Batch: 206435005. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 133, sugus.

China [email protected] Feb 25, 2018 13:38

paid me,thank you!

Top Insurance Programs

πŸ”₯Mao Global
πŸ₯ˆSelwix Crypto

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πŸ₯‰ Optimizer Profit $120
πŸ₯‰ Pure3.Cloud $108
πŸ₯‰ Mauna Fund $78
πŸ₯‰ Invest-Fond.Net $50
πŸ₯‰ XELIMUS $30
πŸ₯‰ WayNexes $30


Latest Votes

XODOAI 2025-03-11
Nice project. Payment within an hour. 0xc05617c25e0ac22123b4e90ecc48392a3c7b85f6f35214c70b5ff32e9fefdef3
XODOAI 2025-03-10
absolute scam!!! i have my chats with the admin of the site that when i sent money he says you should pay more and when i pay more he said it again. before investing in this scam site just call me in telegram (@ikobella) and see the chats and you can judge yourself. if you want to deposit again feel free to destroy your money
Selwix Crypto 2025-03-09
Wonderful and exciting program! Transaction ID: 2727381 Date of transaction: 09.03.2025 14:26 Payment system: ePayCore E054677 Amount: 1.05 USD Note: Invoice #560098, edpr2140
Goldenprice 2025-03-09
Status Completed Date 2025-03-09 11:55 Coin TRX Deposit amount 128.737161 Network TRX Address TxID 0561cc...d09d Deposit wallet Spot Wallet
WayNexes 2025-03-09
Waynexes ΠŸΠ»Π°Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚! На ваш баланс зачислСны срСдства. ID ΠΎΠΏΠ΅Ρ€Π°Ρ†ΠΈΠΈ: 2727170 Π”Π°Ρ‚Π° ΠΎΠΏΠ΅Ρ€Π°Ρ†ΠΈΠΈ: 09.03.2025 06:30 Π‘ΡƒΠΌΠΌΠ°: 0.13 USD
Mao Global 2025-03-08
Got paid!!!!
WayNexes 2025-03-08
Transaction ID: 2726536 Date of transaction: 07.03.2025 16:08 Amount: 20.54 USD
WayNexes 2025-03-07
Transaction ID: 2726157 Date of transaction: 07.03.2025 05:28 Amount: 31.49 USD
Selwix Crypto 2025-03-07
Long and stable paying program! Experienced Admin. Transaction ID: 2726411 Date of transaction: 07.03.2025 12:10 Payment system: ePayCore E055792 Amount: 1.07 USD Note: Invoice #555005, edpr2140
LuxIoProfit 2025-03-07
$300.00 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account TUt4AydjMfoz4bG3uvyTZNyDN3Jg34Zbot. Transaction batch is 0844a1cd7f6211ae5dcf8f0b63be01adb9f24316b4bbdd12f26de5477df560bf.
WayNexes 2025-03-07
Waynexes ΠŸΠ»Π°Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚! На ваш баланс зачислСны срСдства. ID ΠΎΠΏΠ΅Ρ€Π°Ρ†ΠΈΠΈ: 2726180 Π”Π°Ρ‚Π° ΠΎΠΏΠ΅Ρ€Π°Ρ†ΠΈΠΈ: 07.03.2025 05:34 Π‘ΡƒΠΌΠΌΠ°: 0.14 USD
XODOAI 2025-03-07
03/03/2025 at 8:47 (Vietnam time), I received rcb of 3.5$ from my investment of 25$; user: chonglaohoa; gmail: [email protected]
Invest-Fond.Net 2025-03-06
Goldenprice 2025-03-06
Status Completed Date 2025-03-06 11:55 Coin TRX Deposit amount 43.678539 Network TRX Address TxID 3c053f...f388 Deposit wallet Spot Wallet
XELIMUS 2025-03-06
Transaction ID: 2725602 Date of transaction: 06.03.2025 01:30 Amount: 3 USD
Mao Global 2025-03-05
Dear Client, Your withdrawal request has been successfully processed. Withdrawal amount: $1.80 (USDT.BEP20) Transaction ID: 0x59db4925d732bd98fa2b87165e9974b687ebba4d7c256428a378a9409585eaee Best regards, The Mao Global Team.
Cryptoshub 2025-03-05
Got paid,thanks admin.
Goldenprice 2025-03-04
Status Completed Date 2025-03-04 11:57 Coin TRX Deposit amount 43.649283 Network TRX Address TxID 3ed1bf...df75 Deposit wallet Spot Wallet
Cryptoshub 2025-03-04
Dear John Smith! Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 2724595 Date of transaction: 04.03.2025 09:02 Amount: 20.6 USD Note: Withdraw from
Cryptoshub 2025-03-04
Transaction ID: 2724575 Date of transaction: 04.03.2025 07:17 Amount: 20.3 USD Note: Withdraw to Forgriettles002 from

Latest Payout

Selwix Crypto $11.42
XODOAI $12.75
Mao Global $43.18
LuxIoProfit $2.00
Pure3.Cloud $9.20
Capitalized5 $5.50
Mauna Fund $19.80
XODOAI $14.00
Mao Global $15.23
Selwix Crypto $3.50
Pure3.Cloud $5.60
Goldenprice $1.00
FLIP X $5.90
Multy Investment $10.00
XODOAI $18.00

Top ROI Programs

Top Lifetime Programs

LuxIoProfit 2131 days
Crypto Harvest 1180 days
Capitalized5 474 days
Goldenprice 437 days
Optimizer Profit 355 days
Wfg1 296 days
Selwix Crypto 265 days
Fincentre Limited 215 days
Amazing Empire 127 days
King Hectares 124 days
Multy Investment 117 days
Mauna Fund 108 days
Financely Ltd 81 days
Invest-Fond.Net 71 days
Pure3.Cloud 69 days
XODOAI 27 days
Mao Global 26 days
Cryptoshub 26 days
WayNexes 25 days
FLIP X 20 days

Latest Scams

Cyfer Network
Tactful Trade
CX Global
Fx Pips Hunter
Niolic Limited

Recent Tweets Posts

Latest News

Dear OrexBit Investors, We are happy to inform you that our platform has added a new payment method on our payment processing. Which is well known popular (EpayCore). We always work to improve our payment system for our investors convenience. Thanks for stay with OrexBit Finance Limited. Hello Dear investors and visitors Royal Stability Ltd! We are gladly reporting that, by numerous customer requests, the following payment tools added! Ethereum Classic, Zcash, Monero, Ripple, BNB, BNB.BSC, BNB.ERC20, BUSD.ERC20, BUSD.BEP2, BUSD.BEP20, Bitcoin Cash. And also we added a special function, now you can receive special notifications only when the transaction occurs. Royal Stability Ltd just forward!

Top Investors This Month

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πŸ₯‰leilazska $100
πŸ₯‰michel $100
πŸ₯‰abdelpplus $78
πŸ₯‰rusalka $70

Top Investors Last Month

πŸ”₯sament $3958
πŸ₯‡rucker $1664
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πŸ₯ˆmoneymaker $1211
πŸ₯ˆgrek8310 $945
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πŸ₯‰kent $512
πŸ₯‰lifeisdifficultmaze $453
πŸ₯‰ternakoin $450
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πŸ₯‰cryptocafe $425
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πŸ₯‰ttarrass $366
πŸ₯‰traktorist78 $347
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πŸ₯‰rusalka $317
πŸ₯‰master $310
πŸ₯‰gyergyaiz $300
πŸ₯‰cometa $297
πŸ₯‰zavhozz $250

Top Investors last Week

πŸ”₯grek8310 $1000
πŸ₯‡rucker $500
πŸ₯ˆsament $400
πŸ₯ˆalekstester $200
πŸ₯ˆanevskiy $150
πŸ₯ˆzavhozz $150
πŸ₯‰saphira21 $120
πŸ₯‰mihazskin $100
πŸ₯‰savius $100
πŸ₯‰kuzya $100
πŸ₯‰zavodlzs $100
πŸ₯‰karibs $100
πŸ₯‰abdelpplus $78
πŸ₯‰dius $70
πŸ₯‰rusalka $70
πŸ₯‰cometa $51
πŸ₯‰mohamed244 $50
πŸ₯‰gam3rboy $50
πŸ₯‰vkvkvk $30
πŸ₯‰micedanger $30

Top Investors This Month

πŸ”₯grek8310 $1000
πŸ₯‡sament $600
πŸ₯ˆrucker $500
πŸ₯ˆalekstester $250
πŸ₯ˆanevskiy $150
πŸ₯ˆzavhozz $150
πŸ₯‰kuzya $130
πŸ₯‰saphira21 $120
πŸ₯‰savius $100
πŸ₯‰karibs $100
πŸ₯‰mihazskin $100
πŸ₯‰zavodlzs $100
πŸ₯‰sokolmeal $100
πŸ₯‰bi4eanko $100
πŸ₯‰leilazska $100
πŸ₯‰michel $100
πŸ₯‰abdelpplus $78
πŸ₯‰dius $70
πŸ₯‰rusalka $70
πŸ₯‰bvi50 $70
πŸ₯‰marco0501 $60
πŸ₯‰cometa $51
πŸ₯‰mohamed244 $50
πŸ₯‰gam3rboy $50
πŸ₯‰cryptocafe $48
πŸ₯‰vkvkvk $30
πŸ₯‰micedanger $30
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πŸ₯‰shirokova $19
πŸ₯‰zizzoprofit $15
πŸ₯‰lara2016 $10

Top Investors This Quarter

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πŸ₯‰herbert $35202
πŸ₯‰keln $35162
πŸ₯‰weohun $33320

Top Investors This Year

πŸ”₯sament $8957
πŸ₯‡rucker $5637
πŸ₯ˆtepmoshop $4799
πŸ₯ˆgrek8310 $3642
πŸ₯ˆmoneymaker $2972
πŸ₯ˆanevskiy $2587
πŸ₯‰ttarrass $2205
πŸ₯‰cometa $1538
πŸ₯‰mmuert $1450
πŸ₯‰ncs $1400
πŸ₯‰cryptocafe $1248
πŸ₯‰lifeisdifficultmaze $1167
πŸ₯‰ternakoin $1150
πŸ₯‰baupaid $1098
πŸ₯‰herbert $1085
πŸ₯‰immune $1000
πŸ₯‰bodi $933
πŸ₯‰gyergyaiz $900
πŸ₯‰ssava $890
πŸ₯‰traktorist78 $840
πŸ₯‰rusalka $828
πŸ₯‰robka $754
πŸ₯‰kuzya $748
πŸ₯‰informan01 $715
πŸ₯‰mikee $700
πŸ₯‰alekstester $670
πŸ₯‰zavhozz $600
πŸ₯‰vera $562
πŸ₯‰shadjer $532
πŸ₯‰great $523
πŸ₯‰kent $512
πŸ₯‰markino $508
πŸ₯‰joainv $500
πŸ₯‰zippoo $500
πŸ₯‰rovens $490
πŸ₯‰moto3 $462
πŸ₯‰mohamed244 $450
πŸ₯‰elizabeth1911 $410
πŸ₯‰gongfu $400
πŸ₯‰olsa $400
πŸ₯‰gam3rboy $395
πŸ₯‰melanoblasts $370
πŸ₯‰danay7674 $367
πŸ₯‰kijun10kan $350
πŸ₯‰motoren $345
πŸ₯‰bvi50 $342
πŸ₯‰eddiepr $310
πŸ₯‰master $310
πŸ₯‰xu13xx $302
πŸ₯‰vipinvestor $300

Payment Systems

Warning to All Of Our Visitors !!

For Your Attention, All online investments are extremely risky, investment should be cautious.

You should check what others comment on the programs, is it real paying , does the project pay all investors or only pay small investors & monitors. We don't give practice, all investment decisions are up to you !!!

We are not responsible for solving the problem if the project doesn't pay !!

Your money is yours, you must be responsible for your own profits and losses . Even if you lose money, don't complain to us !!! You've been warned about the hazards !!

Please don't trust any e-mail or Telegram ID that pretends to be from us and contains any kind of advertisement inside. You'd better contact us first to verify this .

Thank you
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