Online: 2011-03-17 (3 D)
Monitored: 3 Days
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Major Earn Program Description
MajorEarn. was created to enable people to increase their wealth safely and easily with no work and no risk. We do not offer pie in the sky returns, but good reliable returns from your deposit. Once you make a deposit, the amount is equally divided and added to our professionally managed Stock & Forex accounts. This allows people to experience, participate and receive very good returns on a daily basis; as compaired to the returns offered by other traditional methods. Major Earn is a long term investment program that generates profits for its investors through Arbitrage trading. We provide a convenient and secure investment platform by making payments directly to your e-currency accounts. There is no need to login and make withdrawals everyday. We have partnered with a selected group of traders that will managing the funds. We expect from them high ethical standards in their trading behaviour and to do their best as a Forex traders working under the good name of Major Earn in order to obtain excellent rates of profitability.
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