Online: 2010-05-24 (11 D)
Monitored: 11 Days
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New Global Finance Program Description
newglobalfinance.comis an independent investment company which was founded in 2010. The company plays a significant role in the market, successfully positioning itself in one of the most prosperous and high-yielding segments of the securities market. Such a position requires us to be exclusively particular in doing what we are doing. Our main areas of interest are real estate, trading in the Forex currency exchange market, trading on multiple stock exchanges and trading in precious metals. Currently, our company employs over 30 well qualified and knowledgeable executives: investment advisors, market analysts and competitive market assessment specialists, traders and experts, who have dedicated numerous years to the art of investment and commerce. Once they have reached a certain goal, people at the helm of our company never stop advancing. We consistently aspire toward improving our workmanship to the point of excellence, which enables you to tacitly keep capitalizing on the money deposited in our company, gaining maximum profit.
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