Online: 2010-04-28 (20 D)
Monitored: 18 Days
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Supreme Finances Program Description
Supreme Finances is a private investment opportunity, established in December 2009. We are focused on short through medium term trading and this is why we are able to provide such investment plans. In our real time trading market our maximum return per day is around 2.1 - 2.55%+. Our lowest profit per day that occurred on record was 0.46%+, but was still profit. In average we are able to provide around 1.8 - 1.97%+ return of investment per day. If we take as an example an average return per day of 1.8%, in 10 days we can generate more than 115% ROI. If the daily return is under -1% for several days, there will be no problem. We can sustain payments from our own reserve funds and we will then recover in the next few work days. This is why the risk involved in Supreme Finances is almost at 0%. That was a short explanation about what we do daily at Supreme Finances. We really believe that we can sustain Supreme Finances for a long time. We are offering here some rare opportunities to all our customers worldwide that wish to Life their Profits!
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