Online: 2010-05-10 (10 D)
Monitored: 10 Days
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Windpower-Income Program Description
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The interest to wind power increased at last 8 years, and a growth of investment in this field worldwide.
From an emerging fuel source twenty years ago, wind energy has mushroomed into a mature and booming global business. Generation costs have fallen dramatically over the last 15 years, moving closer to the cost of conventional energy sources. Modern wind turbines have improved dramatically in their power rating, efficiency and reliability. There is huge and growing global demand for emissions-free wind power, which can be installed quickly, virtually everywhere in the world.
In 2008 total capacities of wind power have grown all over the world to 120 gigawatts (GW).Wind power station of all world in 2007 have made nearby 210 terawatts per hour (TW/h) that makes approximately 1.3% of a world current consumption. The world market of the equipment for wind energy has grown to 46.6 billion American dollars or 36.5 billion euro.In 2007 in Europe has been concentrated 61% of the established wind power station, in the North America of 20%, Asia of 17%. Cumulative investments in wind energy over the three decades from 2000 to 2030 will total $490 billion
As of May 2009, eighty countries around the world are using wing power on a commercial basis.
Today almost all developing countries are participatory in various programs in the field of wind power.
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